Welcome to Marijuana VaporizereMarijuana Vaporizer, home to the best vaporizer information on the web. We have tested all of the major herbal vaporizers on the market and bring you an unbiased opinion on which is best for you, based on what your needs are. Some are looking for a cheap vaporizer. Others want the best herb vaporizer at any price. Whatever you are looking for, we hope to help you find the best vaporizer for your precious marijuana. Cheap VaporizersSo, let’s say you are looking for a cheap vaporizer. To us, that means the best low range vaporizer for the least amount of cash. If you are looking to spend less than $50 on an herbal vaporizer, then you are probably going to be looking at the BC Vaporizer. This is not, what we recommend doing, and here is why. The BC VaporizerThe BC vaporizer was one of the first commercially available herb vaporizers on the market. And, it looks like it. The BC vaporizer is made from a few plastic parts glued together and a glass jar flipped up-side down. It looks cheap and it is cheap. The real downside to using the BC vaporizer is the fact that the herb is placed on a metal bowl attached to a soldering iron heating element inside the jar. The herb heats to the point of vaporization and fills the jar with vapor, it then continues to heat the herb and eventually burns it creating some smoke and a really bad flavor. The only way we would recommend this unit is if you absolutely can’t afford anything else…which we can’t really see happening. |